What Makes You Happy?

If you're feeling dissatified at work and think a bigger paycheck is your key to happiness, you better think again. According to studies done in England and in the US, once your basic needs are met, having more money does little to make you more satisfied with your life.

What does make most people happiest? Spending time with family and friends, and contributing to the lives of others. While the two biggest things that lower people's happiness levels are losing a spouse and losing a job.

If you're feeling low, here are five steps you can take to lift your mood:
   1. Be thankful for the things that bring you joy. Make a list, and do it continuously.
   2. Be kind. Practice Random Act of Kindness. Include random and planned acts of kindness.
   3. Thank Someone. Whether their deed was big or small, show gratitude when someone has helped
         you. It'll make you feel good to say them, the magic word "Thank You"
    4. Get Rid of the Grudge. Get over it and move on.
    5. Spend more time with family and friends.

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